Friday, August 3, 2007

No trip to San Francisco this year.

The email came in at 7pm... I knew it would... I was not selected to present at TechCrunch20. I do love San Francisco, Kitten and I fell in love there. It really would have been grand.

I'm not quite ready to let the cat out of the bag as to what exactly I'm building, but here are a few questions and answers from my "Presenting Company Submission Form":

Company name:
Web site:
Date founded: June 21, 2007
Number of employees: 2 (me and Kitten)
Money raised to date / investors: $0

Was I too honest? Did my application really get through to Heather? Was my penmanship too sloppy? Too bad I didn't get any feedback from the judges.... I'm sure MC Hammer is a busy guy.

I was, along with all the other non-finalists, offered to demo at the "Start-Up DemoPit" if I shelled out $1247.50 for two tickets to the conference. I've only spent $59.99 on this project so far, so I'm not ready to drop that kind of dough quite yet. Maybe next year, if I haven't already sold for ONE BILLION DOLLARS (stop laughing, it could happen).

1 comment:

Vergel Evans said...

forget the pony show... just deliver a killer app that people will jump onto. Those events are usually full of the pomp of ppl trying to justify their own hype.

Sure it would be nice to get some recognition and stuff for what you're doing... but in the end of the day, it's the users who appreciate your product who matter. The rest of the industry "A-list" will follow.